School Counseling

Meet Your Counselors

Team Members

Elizabeth Barrios - School Counselor - 8th Grade - [email protected]

Chloe Bean - School Counselor - 7th Grade - [email protected]

Susan Scofield - School Counselor - 6th Grade - [email protected]

Welcome to Horizon's School Counseling services! We are committed to the success and responsible citizenship of all students. Our Professional School Counselors will coordinate a comprehensive school counseling plan for all students leading to academic success, career awareness, and social/personal development, community involvement, and multicultural/global citizenship development. 

We would like to invite you to come in and get to know us and the services we offer and those offered from our counseling office. You may call or walk in to make an appointment with us. You don't need to wait until you have a problem or special reason! We hope that, together, we can lay a good foundation for future success and achievement by making your child's time at Horizon a happy and rewarding learning experience.

Horizon is a neighborhood community school which takes pride in the core values that are our building blocks to a great school. That is why our school offers many flexible times for parents to meet with teachers to discuss academic or behavioral challenges. Conferences are offered at 2:30 p.m. - 3:05 p.m. Phone conferences can also be scheduled upon request for different times. Parents can contact the teacher through e-mail on our faculty list or contact our counseling office. 


  • Provides school counseling services to all students
  • Promotes student academic achievement and responsible citizenship in all students
  • Promotes academic success skills
  • Enhances student decision making and life management skills
  • Promotes student knowledge and skills in academic planning and career development
  • Increases student knowledge of self and others
  • Supports family needs for information, resources, and referrals
  • Systematically provides prevention and intervention programs and services
  • Aligns school counseling services with the broader instructional program
  • Provides a clear structure with specific standards and competencies for all students
  • Provides for planning, accountability, and evaluation

General Information

Registration: All new students must register in the School Counseling Office. Our personnel are familiar with all the requirements and can help you with questions.

Official Records: Your child's cumulative records are housed electronically. If you need to review anything in the file please call ahead and make an appointment for someone to go over the contents with you. If you need a copy of any document in your child's file we can provide it for you. If you request more than two copies, a charge will be assessed at 5 cents per copy. If you are transferring out of Horizon, we will make sure all necessary documents are forwarded to your child's new school.


 Click here for instructions and forms on how to enroll or withdraw your child.

School Intent (transfer back to school or to online)

HAMO- Platform Change Request Form / Forma para inicar un cambio de plataforma.